Archive for May, 2010

If this is a zomcom, kill the director.

Posted in Review - Movie with tags , , , , on 21/05/2010 by Telkana

Now we start the sliding scale of mediocre to atrocious of the 8 Films to Die For, with the Horror/Comedy “Zombies of Mass Destruction”

Title: Zombies of Mass Destruction (2009)

Tagline: They are just like you… only dead!

Rating: 3/10

Synopsis: Life is wonderful for the people in the quiet, island town of Port Gamble until a zombie virus outbreak hits.

Review: The Horror/Comedy genre is a tricky one to handle, very few films know how to exactly balance the two genres. You will either get a film that is mostly horror but has some trickles of comedy such as 2006’s Slither or is Slapstick and comedic with someone getting killed every now and then such as Dead and Breakfast. Don’t get me wrong there are some films that balance this perfectly, Evil Dead 2 and Shaun of the Dead come to mind but then there is also films where they don’t manage to fulfill either genre, Zombies of Mass Destruction is one of these films.

This movie sure is a weapon of mass destruction. Yeah it really bombs *doh hoh hoh hoh hoh*

The film follows the night of a zombie outbreak in an isolated American town, following two different groups. The Iranian Abbas family with the American Miller family and a gay couple holed up in a church with other church goers. As stated on most of the advertising for this film this is a “political zomedy” and looking at that description you know exactly what is going to be “satirized”

I'll give you three guesses.

Yes, this film is the writers way to satire the Muslim fear inbuilt into Americans these days, as well as the homophobia of the nation and it doesn’t work, it really. Does. Not. Work. Nearly all the humor the film tries to squeeze out are based on Muslim and gay jokers and by 60 minutes in, it had well worn out it’s welcome. Don’t get me wrong, done right these topics are ripe for satire, take Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo bay for example but the writing and the delivery here is close to embarrassing. Stop me if you have heard this before; an American going over the top to interrogate an innocent Muslim looking person. Very camp gay people having to awkwardly come out to their parents. Church ministers wanting to “fix” the gays with some weird Clockwork Orange inspired machine. If these scenes aren’t up your alley don’t worry the just make up fifty-five fucking minutes of this film and here lies the main problem of the film, why the zombie backdrop?

Seriously cutting out the zombies and you just have your usual assanine American comedy. My guess is that the satire is exactly what the writer wanted to do but knew that if he added zombies to the mix, he could trick horror fans to pick this movie up as well. So fuck you Kevin Hamedani fuck you and your slightly Muslim sounding last name….. well shit.

See look some of my best friends are Muslim!

Okay let’s move along to the acting. It’s bad, it’s really bad, I’m talking Megan Fox levels of  bad here. I don’t know if I am just being unfair because of the great performances of the last two films or they are just trying really hard to work with this miserable script but there is just no passion here and you can really tell in quite a few of the scenes. The one that sticks out in my mind the most is at the start of the film the Iranian girl and her date are in a car smoking a bong when a zombie bursts through his window and starts chowing down and through his screams he says in almost a deadpan voice “ohh that’s my blood” and it really stuck out to me, if he didn’t change his tone then, while stupid, it would of been okay but he is saying like “ohh that’s my CD player” and that is not the first time it happens, two maybe three other guys I can’t exactly recall now say the same blood line. What is this a fucking running gag? I have seen kids films with better written gags and that usually involves one of the characters repeatedly getting hit in the nuts!  By the films end there were no characters that I could relate to at all, not hard seeming my choices were stereotypical gay men, Iranians and racist whitey and seeming I went back in the closet years ago all these choice were out.

Ahhh my blood... look it's everywhere.... owww.... this hurts bro.

So while I have mentioned how badly the comedy fails in this film, let’s look at how the horror fares. This film did not instill any horror in me at all, no squirming from the buckets of blood, no dread that the characters were going to die, actually this film didn’t even go for the cliched jump scare and while I usually bag a film for using them, I’ll let this film have them if it means I get some horror out of this horror-less movie.

Even the gore was pretty pathetic for this film, every bite and cut pisses out blood like they cut the femoral artery and the humans seem to have the problem of being made out of plasticine. I think you get to see about 3 or 4 peoples get their arm pulled off and these aren’t the new fast super zombies that you see popping up these days, no they are the sort of slow shuffling Romero zombies but somehow they can just rip off arms and legs like they were held together with blutac and happy thoughts. As shown by the picture above one zombie manages to cleanly rip off the face of the date and it really is a clean rip, the zombie could put over it’s face and role play Silence of the Lambs if he wanted to.

God even the zombies are bad, seriously I saw better at last years zombie walk.

So you have no horror, no gore and not even comedy to save this film, oh wait actually there was one line that made me laugh and that is when the pastor is talking about how this is a rapture style apocalypse and says the following line “Have no fear friends, because we have histories greatest zombie on our side, Jesus Christ”, other then that though this Zomcom really fails to deliver. In fact if I am going to see a good Zomcom, I know exactly where to go…

Up for The Winchester?

Alrighty then the first negative review is now out of the way, although knowing the genre it won’t be the last. What did you all think? Has anyone else seen this and if so what are your thoughts?

-The Reviewing Basterd

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P.S Also I am aware that there is a comic book of the same name released by Red five, however this film is not based off the comics and surprisingly there is actually a film in the works based on these comics. I wonder if any naming issues are going to get in the way.

Oi! I said Boo mate!

Posted in Review - Movie with tags , , , on 20/05/2010 by Telkana

As we continue on with the 8 Films To Die For 2010, we will now be having a look at supernatural thriller Lake Mungo

Title: Lake Mungo (2008)

Tagline: If you have never seen a ghost before, look closer.

Rating: 8/10

Synopsis: Sixteen-year-old Alice Palmer drowns while swimming in the local dam. When her body is recovered and a verdict of accidental death returned, her grieving family buries her. The family then experiences a series of strange and inexplicable events centered around their home. Profoundly unsettled, the Palmers seek the help of psychic and parapsychologist, Ray Kemeny. Kemeny discovers that Alice led a double life. A series of clues lead the family to Lake Mungo where Alice’s secret past emerges.

Review: I have been watching horror film for a long time, since I was about nine or ten I think. So these days I am pretty desensitized to them, sure I’ll feel some dread and suspense by watching the film but after it has ended I feel nothing, hell sometimes I put on a favorite horror movie to fall asleep too. However ghost films still manage to scare the shit out of me. I don’t know what it is exactly but the movies of this genre linger with me for a couple of nights at least. So like an adrenaline junkie always going for his next heart racing fix, I look out for ghost horror movies whenever I can, so after the film has ended I can finally feel that feeling of dread horror films used to give me. Lake Mungo managed to do a pretty good job at this.

Truely a horrific movie

Lake Mungo is shot entirely in documentary style, similar to the previous years “Paranormal Activity” or 1999’s “Blair With Project” and this works really well for the film. The film follows the Palmer family for around 2 years, documenting both the families grief of losing there 16 year-old daughter and the strange occurrences that have followed after her death.

However compared to those previous entries of the horror mockumentary genre Lake Mungo gives off a much more natural and realistic feel, something that I have found other entries fail to put across. The downplayed acting in the film I found to be really effective, compared to Paranormal activity where the cast seemed like they were well… acting rather then leaving their final log. The minimalistic filming style also adds a lot to the film as well, using a lot of still pictures and home movies with voice overs, as well as one on one interviews with the family and the community of the town rather effectively. However the thing that I enjoyed the most about this entry to the genre is that this one actually has a traditional story arc, there is a start, middle and ending to this film, compared to “Paranormal Activity” and “Blair Witch” where you are left with more questions then answers when the credit rolls. The plot for the film is also quite well written, being mostly a mystery film wrapped within a paranormal thriller it keeps you interested and entertained, slowely giving more and more details until the blanks are filled in, giving a satisfying ending to the film.

As I said before the acting on this film was done really well. The people here don’t feel as if they are actors but instead feel like they are actually being interviewed and as I said this works amazingly well to immerse you into the whole documentary feel of the film.

I felt the strongest performances of the film came from Alice’s brother Mathew (Martin Sharpe) and the Parapsychologist Ray (Steve Jordell). Like the cast off The Final these actors had only performed in television (and Australian television to boot) and I found them to be much more believable then some of the performances I have seen churned out by the big named horror films of the decade. Martin gives an emotional performance as the grieving brother, you can really tell exactly how much the death of his sister and his mother’s grieving has affected him. You have an understanding of some of his more questionable acts throughout the film and still manage to keep yourself sympathizing with him by the end of it.

Mathew Palmer (Martin Sharpe)

Steve Jordell’s performance is also spot on, he plays an almost grandfatherly role to the family, helping them through their grief. I found myself really feeling for his character and you can really tell he is someone that cares deeply for his clients, he wants to help people move on, to help people through problems and to help people understand peace in death. I also like how he is neither portrayed as a con-man who is making this up for money or a full blown psychic able to communicate with ghosts. The movie lets you make your mind up of his intentions.

Ray (Steve Jordell)

While Lake Mungo has been advertised pretty heavily as a supernatural horror film, I find that this film also really succeeds at being a Drama as well. The film follows a pretty heavy feeling of grief and not being able to let go, you get to see how a whole community deals with the death of Alice, from her school friends to even the police constable overlooking the case and it is all shown very realistically and very human. Of course the main feeling of grief is portrayed by the Palmer family and as I have said the whole family sends this across very well. One of the standout scenes for me is when Mathew is shown to take a sudden interest into photography and even starts working for a studio I believe (there was also some very good foreshadowing here)  and it then shows some of the photos that he has been taking. Everyone of these photos left me with a feeling of loneliness and isolation, defiantly something someone would feel after losing their younger sister. Both the parents also give very believable portrayals of their grief. The mother having a breakdown of sorts, being the first one to cling the idea that they are being haunted by Alice. The father however grieves in a different way, leaving everything in an inner turmoil. Throughout the film he seems like he is 2 seconds away from breaking down at any moment but seems to be pulling through to be a emotional post for his family.It was surprising to see this in the film and I think this will give the film a bit of an edge compared to your usual horror schlock.

Mathews photos.

So if you are looking for a horror movie that has a hint of drama and mystery, then I would recommend Lake Mungo. It manages to tell a good story, some great performances and also this is an Australian film, so it’s good to see we can do horror right sometimes.

However at the time or writing this article I found out that this film is getting a freaking American remake. Seriously? This is the one thing that bothers me the most with American media, why the hell can they not relate to something that isn’t American?! They have done this to Life on Mars, The Office and [Rec] and usually these versions are complete bullshit. This version could still be completely relevant to an American audience, Australian slang and culture is barely used throughout the film, if anything I believe the remake will probably ruin this story by adding to much of an Americanisation (I’m putting money down know that there will be at least 38 jump scares) because subtle horror, Americans don’t really get it.

“Alice kept secrets. She kept the fact that she kept secrets a secret.”

Anyway give me your thoughts, if you have seen the film let me know what you though; if you want to whinge about American remakes feel free to do that too. Next review coming up will be the Horror/Comedy “Zombies of Mass Destruction”.

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P.S Oh I actually spotted a bit of a goof in this film, at one point they are showing old films of Alice and she has a poster for The Beatles “Love” album which was not released till nearly a year and a half after the footage was meant to be set. You never know what you will notice when you’re a Beatles fan.

Damn it! You’re supposed to be extinct!

Posted in Previews with tags , , on 19/05/2010 by Telkana

The Resident Evil series is one of my favorite games in the survival horror genre, the puzzle solving, the feeling of dread when you here those wet footsteps, the epic boss battles and the awesomely cheesy dialogue. I am even a fan of 4 and 5 as they started stepping into the action horror genre, giving you a faster pace and finally a breather from rather large complexes/mansions.

Wait. What do you mean by "tentacle rape"

The films however are a different story. In 2002 the first film came out, to tell you the truth I didn’t mind it that much. My only gripe was well…. the name. Why say it is “Resident Evil” when the film was nothing like the games at all, it just seemed like a generic zombie film, No Arklay mansion, no Tyrant, no overall feeling of dread. Hell change the name of the umbrella company in the film, slap on a different title and bam new movie but still as I said not an overall bad movie. The sequels however very much took a turn for the worse, the main character got turned into the biggest Mary Sue I have ever encounter and I have read a couple of 16 year old girls fanfics (the Twilight series included). Gone was any suspense from the film because well, Alice just does what she damn likes. Fighting a Shit-ton of zombies armed with only a stick? Alice will win. 7 foot tall genetically engineered killing machine? Alice will win. The entire world’s army breathing down her neck. Alice will win. Alice hogs all the screen time for the movies, even veterans to the game series like Claire or Jill seem to only exist to be Alice’s cheersquad and Alice was not even in the fucking game! However after the last film “extinction” was released I had heard nothing about another sequel and there was much rejoicing and much celebration.

..And then she does a backflip and then she shoots lasers out of her eyes and then everyone swoons over how pretty she is and then and then...

However I came across this trailer the other day.




I don’t even know where to flippin’ start. Damn it let us start with the title first “Afterlife” are you shitting me? Other then choosing another nonsensical title, afterlife has to be one of the most overused sub-title, although I don’t know why I expected better after the stunning displays of originality of the last two films. Seriously why stop at Afterlife? I know we could call it “resurrection” or maybe “Requiem”, actually lets just cut the act and use the most cliche title “revenge”. Okay now that I have got that out of the way lets look at the rest of the trailer.

They weren't killed by throwing my glasses at them? Inconceivable!

Dear god and I thought I had issues with an unoriginal title. Seriously if I didn’t go and check the IMDB page for this movie I would of thought that this trailer was a well done spoof trailer. We have Katanas, shuriken, slow-mo shots, wall climbing, running and gunning, jumping out of windows, jumping through the air while firing one gun, jumping through the air while firing two guns. It is as if the makers of the film really don’t want to make another one of these films but the company is forcing them to make it just so they can squeeze the last little beads of milk out of the nipple. So to make sure the film bombs and they never have to make another one they are trying to make the most cliche, assanine, cheesiest film ever made. To make matters worse it proudly boasts how they are getting to use the same 3-D technology that was used in Avatar, something that many of the other newer and more deserving 3-D films have had to miss out on and they are using it on this cinematic abomination?! I have no idea what the execs were thinking with that move but I think it involved a lot of that fine Peruvian fishscale.

*sniff* Oh baby we are going to need a whole lot more then that.

Also what the hell is with the city still being slightly normal looking? Like don’t get me wrong Hollywood looks really fucked up but in the last film they made up some bullshit that the virus could somehow wipe out everything on earth plus dry up lakes and pretty much turn the world into something out of The Road Warrior (protip: viruses don’t work this way) and yet in Hollywood there still seems to be trees and lakes. Movie if you want to make up ridiculous plot points at least have the balls to stick with them. Also Umbrella seems to have way too many guards for a world where apparently everyone is mostly dead. Ah yes actually why don’t we discuss the cast shown so far.

Wesker, you're pitiful.

Shown so far is the series regular demigod Alice, as well as her girl wonder Claire Redfield. I find this strange seeming Claire proved to be pretty useless in the last film so why would Alice want to bring her along, she is  made even more redundant when the last film showed that apparently Alice was going to take the fight with Umbrella with hundreds of her clones. Also what ever happened to Jill Valentine? She was in the sequel and at the end of the film looked like she was going to join the fight against Umbrella with Alice and then by the time Extinction rocks up she is nowhere to be seen, there isn’t even a passing mention of her and she actually seemed to be somewhat competent, well unless till God-mode Sue arrived. Video game regular Chris Redfield is also making an appearance for this film and it will be interesting to see exactly how far removed he is from his game counterpart. Last but not least is Albert Wesker the games main antagonist and frankly I don’t even know what to expect from him, I see that they are not using the same actor from the last film which I really don’t mind seeming all he did was appear as a hologram to talk to Umbrella staff. They seem to be borrowing heavily from his RE5 design, hell he is even doing the same throw the glasses as a distraction routine he did in that game (which was retarded then too), if he will have his boosted strength and speed on the film I guess we will have to wait to see.

So that is my thoughts on the upcoming RE film, hopefully this bombs and we can see an end to this franchise or at least Paul Anderson from directing and writing these films (on a side note Milla Jocovich and Paul met on the set of the first film and were married by the second. This actually sort of explains her sudden ascending to a Mary Sue but I don’t know if it explains why she has quite a few nude scenes in the films). Actually I am not one to advocate reboots and remakes but a remake to this franchise that would actually follow the games could actually be pretty sweet. Any who what does everyone else think about the upcoming film? Or the series in general? Drop and comment and give your two cents.

I’m in the bad movie bashing business and cousin, business is a-booming.

The Reviewing Basterd

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This Will Be On The Mid-term.

Posted in Review - Movie with tags , , on 19/05/2010 by Telkana

Okay let’s kick off the “8 Films To Die For 2010” with this nice little revenge romp.

Title: The Final (2010)

Tagline: Consequences. None of us are free from them.

Rating: 7.5/10

Synopsis: Fed-up with their constant mistreatment and bullying at high school, on top of their already miserable home lives; a group of outcasts decide to take revenge on their tormentors but instead of the can-do American spirit of a school shooting, the group uses their love and knowledge of horror films to organizes a party that the bullies will never forget.

Firstly let me give you a bit of background to the 8 Films To Die For festival, it is an annual event run by the After Dark production company. The festival features 8 independent horror films of the year, handpicked by the company. Sometimes they will put in 1 or 2 extra “secret” films (such as 2006’s Snoop Dogg’s Hood Of Horror) however these special films have usually been the worse of the lot and (thankfully) they seem to be getting phased out. Although with the state that you find modern horror in these days, a majority of the films in festival are fall somewhere between Uwe Boll-grade to mediocre at best. Thankfully though around 2-3 each year will actually be better then some of the cinema released films, with at least one usually making someones top ten and to me The Final is one of these films.

This movie really went to the dogs *boomtish* Okay I'm sorry for that one.

The revenge horror movie sub-genre has always been a hit and miss thing for me, most of the time I find it hard to relate to any of the characters of the film. When we have to follow the group that has wronged the antagonist ( eg. I Know What You Did Last Summer, Forget Me Not), I find myself well… rooting for the antagonist. I find it bizarre that writers think we will care a whole lot about characters that have performed some pretty despicable acts and sure their retribution isn’t exactly the fairest of terms but if the group of high school ‘tards didn’t run over and try to cover up a murder, then they wouldn’t be getting all upset as their innards are used to decorate the living room. On the other hand when the film follows the person out for revenge (eg. I Spit On Your Grave), the motives behind the roaring rampage of revenge don’t exactly seem to fit the punishment they dish out, once again leaving me scratching my head for who I should actually be caring for in the film.

The Final is one of the few films I have seen where the manage to get this right. Throughout the film I found myself able to fully relate to the group of outcasts, this is done through a well done first act introducing the key players to the film. This shows exactly how miserable their home and school life is and boy is it bad, everyone of the kids has a barely functioning home life albeit with different forms of dysfunctionality (one scene has the leader of the group, Dane sitting on his bed with a gun to his head while all you can hear are his parents going at each others throats downstairs) and at school it does not get any better, I don’t know if it is an American thing but I swear bullies there are much bigger tools then any I have had to deal with in Australia. This character development works well for the film, usually I have no sympathy for the protagonists of a lot of modern horror, it’s good to see something written well enough to make me care and root for what would traditionally be called the villains of the film, besides haven’t we have all wanted to torture and dismember the people that bullied and harassed you in high school? Right? ….Right?

Ah chief? We might want to keep an eye on this one.

The rest of the film follows the outcasts revenge plan. After getting the popular kids to attend an out of the way farm house under the guise of a masquerade party, the outcasts drug and chain up the teens and precede to start their night of mayhem. As mentioned before the group of outcasts are horror movie fans and this is what brings some of the charm to the film, instead of torturing the kids as themselves they all take on a persona, dressing up in full masked costumes that are little homages to famous horror arch-types. A majority of the outfits look really good ranging from a scarecrow/savage hillbilly type all the way to an SS storm trooper; with my favorite being Dane’s gas-mask outfit. However the costume that I didn’t really get into was Emily’s doctor/butcher outfit, something about the mask on it just put me off, it reminded me somewhat of Drop Dead Fred’s head after it is flattened in a fridge and while being reminded of Rik Mayall’s scenery chewing performance is horrifying, it’s not the sort of dread I want in a horror film.

The true face of evil.

For an independent film the thing that really surprised me was the quality of the acting, nearly every character is spot-on with the performance. The group of jocks and sluts all give really believable performances, hell it seems like some of these people would fit right into my high school years. They play their performances of assholes good enough so you do want to see them get their just deserts but not too over the top that you don’t squirm when the torture starts.

The outcasts all give excellent performances as well, the show stealer being their leader Dane played by Marc Donato,  I am unfamiliar with his work but he had apparently done a lot of TV work with appearances in Degrassi: The Next Generation and voice work for Avatar: The last airbender. He plays the role of the villain protagnist like it was made for him, giving his masked persona a slightly hammier performance then his teenage self which works really well. Combined with his hannibal lectures throughout the film he defiantly feels like one fine of the charasmatic masked killers of the 80’s.

The other breakout performance was the character of Jack played by Eric Isenhower, once again having only been on TV shows before the movie, he gives an impressive performance. He plays a more quiet and under appreciated character, preferring to follow then lead. His masked persona is like an opposite to Dane’s charismatic villain, channeling the quiet brooding killers of the 80’s ala Jason Voorhese or Michael Myers. Eric also plays a fucking mean banjo using these skills to add more intensity to the scene by plucking the banjo more and more frantically as the torture scenes are underway. The performance that really did it for me was before the party is underway, Jack is leaving to start the preparations at the farm house and is saying good bye to his dad for what he believes to be the last time. He gives a heart felt speech about what he will be doing tonight and what the consequences of the events will lead too, you can feel that he is almost wanting to be stopped, wanting his dad to show him some attention, some affection but his dad just sits there working on his car, ignoring him like usual.

Jack (Eric Isenhower)

Dane (Marc Donato)

The other thing I quite enjoyed for this film was its surprisingly low amount of gore and yet it still managed to have a quite a few cringe worthy scenes, with most companies these days thinking that gruesome means spraying the set in enough blood to drown a small elephant  it was nice to see a film pull off suspense and horror psychologically instead and that is what really makes the film. See the film does not get it scares in the traditional horror sense, hell I think this is the first film in a while that didn’t result in the contractually obligated 234.5 jump scares to portray its horror. No it plants a seed of dread, throughout the film you don’t know exactly how far the outcasts will go, will they cross the line and flat out slaughter them like cattle? How far are they going to go to push across there message? Who will survive and what will be left of them? These questions play on your mind throughout the film and then at the same time you have to keep in minds that these characters are only high schoolers not that much younger then you and me but here they are sadistically torturing their fellow classmates. It manages to find a way to stay under your skin throughout the movie.

So there are my thoughts on The Final. A film I would defiantly recommend picking up and with Lake Mungo, the two highlights out of this years After Dark Horror fest.

“Think of this as the… final and there is only one question. What did I do to deserve this”

Alrighty then, first review posted now. So tell me what you though of it? What you liked, what you thought was unnecessary, what you would like to see more of. Either way the comment box is there so drop me a comment.

– The reviewing Basterd

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Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself…

Posted in Introduction with tags , on 18/05/2010 by Telkana

…I am a poor uni student of debatable taste.

This is going to be an introductory post to fill you in on what to expect from the site. First off don’t worry, this isn’t a personal blog. Aside from celebrities I find the whole idea of some random dude posting about their life to be pretty strange. Seriously who want to hear about the life and times of an Australian Uni student studying to be a teacher? I know I would not be that interested. Secondly I am huge fan of media; be it comics, movies, TV shows or games and every now and then I want to let people know about how fucking god-awful the movie I watched was last night or how big the holy shit quota for an episode was and frankly Facebook posts don’t do them justice, so  basically I have been toying around with the idea to do a review based blog for a while, mostly lacking the motivation to kick it off. However after seeing how easy WordPress is to use, I thought I would jump in and give it a try.

Like this but with internets.

So every couple of days or so I am going to be making a post for the site, doing reviews on a variety of mediums: books, TV, movies, comics and video games. I also plan on doing something similar to a soapbox/editorial to give views on current event and trends I have wanted to share my views about and see what other people think. Mostly I am going to try and keep it light hearted and fun, don’t expect movie critic style reviews to start popping up. The site is mostly going to be in vein of other internet based review sites such as I-mockery, Cinema Snob, That Guy With The Glasses and AVGN.

However, I also would like you, the reader to help contribute. Give your opinions to the editorials or the reviews, make request for films to be reviewed, argue how I am obviously wrong about my review for your favorite series, like a Subway sandwich it’s your choice and that’s a guarantee. Not an actual guarantee.

So leave a comment for this post and tell me what you want to see reviewed, or even if you want to vent about a shitty film you recently watched but meanwhile to kick off the first lot of reviews I will be going through the films of the Lions gate/After Dark Horrorfest’s 8 Films To Die For 2010. Starting with one of my favorites of the festival “The Final”